Thursday, March 17, 2011

the godfather 2


This is a mural for the wall of a strip club in the secret backroom of a bakery called "Sweet Life." Given that our game was set in the 1960s, I took the opportunity to explore period illustration styles, taking inspiration here from the paperback covers of Robert McGinnis, and also from actress Ann Margaret.


Havana, Miami, and New York in the late 1950s and early 60s. These paintings were done to indicate to the texture artists the color palettes, textures, lighting schemes, and furniture and object mods for the various locations, and also to suggest the mood and atmosphere. The rooms were of a few standard size-and-shape templates, so care was taken to make them seem as individual as possible and to capture the proper tone and feel for each setting. The locations and period were well researched. Painted over screenshots of flat grey untextured Maya models of the basic box rooms.

Havana Miami New York

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